Tuesday, February 19, 2013

So...since November was the last time I posted on CaringBridge, I figured I should update everyone on what's been going on since then.  We had a great time celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas with our families.  We got to see all of Peter's family at some point in time and my sister as well :-)  Lyla absolutely loved all the attention!  During our Christmas visit, she got 2 teeth!  I think she's getting the top ones in now because she is not herself!

In January, Lyla got her 6 month shots as well as the flu shot.  The next day, she got a rash all over her face that eventually spread to her whole body.  Poor baby!  We finally got told it was eczema and hydrocortizone ointment was able to get it under control.  We took her off all solid foods and slowly introduced them, seeing if it was a food allergy.  It didn't seem to be that.  During this time, Lyla also started having episodes where her lips and hands would turn blue/purple.  We were obviously concerned given her medical history, and contacted the cardiologists at CHOP.  Our next appointment wasn't scheduled until the end of February, but they were able to get us in fairly quickly to see them.  She had another echo done and thankfully everything looks the same!  They didn't seem to think that the discoloration was related to her heart.  They did mention that they will most likely do another MRI this summer to see where her arteries are at and see when the cath will be necessary.  Lyla then got her flu booster shot at the beginning of February and again, horrible eczema break out!  Thankfully, even though the doctor didn't seem to think it was an allergic reaction, she is sending us to the allergist.  Our appointment there is next Tuesday.

Overall, Lyla is doing amazing :-)  She started crawling within the past 2 weeks and won't stop!  She loves chasing the kitties :-)  Like I said earlier, we're still waiting for those top 2 teeth to come in...they look like they're right there!  They're just being super stubborn.  She's eating 3 meals a day of solid food now and loves it!  The only thing she hasn't really cared for is peas, but we'll try again soon :-)  There are lots of new foods we can introduce this month so I'm excited to see what she thinks!

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers!  I look at her every day and just praise God that He chose to extend His healing hand to our daughter to allow us this time with her.  She is such an incredible blessing!  And, a constant reminder of God's awesome hands.  I will definitely keep everyone updated...but probably not too frequently unless something comes up :-)  After all, chasing a mobile child takes up most of my time!

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