Mortality has been on my mind a lot recently. Perhaps because we just celebrated the 2 year anniversary of Lyla's surgery and reliving all those memories is a heavy thing. Maybe it's different reminders through other's stories of how quickly life can be taken away. Or finding out the little boy Lyla shared a pod with at CHOP lost his battle with CHD in October at 22 months old. All these things make me cherish every single moment I have with my kiddos. It's not easy, especially when they're both crying and Lyla is hitting Miles repeatedly and pushing him over... But I've been reminded how precious every single moment is. All the bad moments are fleeting and they'll grow up into different challenges. These days, I've been holding my little ones a little tighter and longer to savor each and every second I have them in my arms...because they're not really mine. They've never been mine; they belong to God and He has their entire life mapped out. Take some extra time today and love your kiddos no matter how difficult the day might be :-)

In other lighter news, we have a 2 year old!! Lyla is growing and exploding with knowledge making me relive the small wonders of the world. The smallest things are SO fascinating to her, things that I would naturally pass by. We were able to celebrate her 2nd birthday with family and friends. She had so much fun running around with the other kids and enjoying her cake ;-)
Lyla's next cardiologist appointment is July 17, and we'll be meeting with a new doctor because the one who's been following her since birth left to go to a different hospital. We're praying hard that they are able to get a good echo done this time so we don't have to go back for a sedated echo. From there, the doctor will decide when to do an MRI and cath.

Miles is 9 months old and is everywhere these days! He's so close to walking...but I'm not in a rush for that :-) He loves his big sister and usually doesn't even mind when she pushes him over or out of her way. He likes chasing the kitties and being outside. He likes the pool...but
does not like cold water :-)
Peter and I celebrated 5 years of being married in March. It really is crazy how fast time goes! We are so thankful for all that God has given us and we pray that we are good stewards of them.