Well...I'm not so good at waiting! I never have been. It's not that I don't trust God to work out the details...I just want to know them ahead of time! It's extremely hard for me to not know what date we're moving, what job Peter will have, or where we'll be living...much less where our baby boy will be born! My whole life there have been so many times when I'm in a season of waiting for something, or an answer of some sort. Maybe it's the aspect of not being in control that bothers me, but I definitely like to plan ahead!
But, God is always faithful and we've gotten some answers this week! Peter had an interview this morning in Lebanon and will hear back next week whether he is going to be offered the position or not. God also closed the door to him working from home for his current company. It's encouraging to know that there are a few answers trickling in, and that we can fully trust that God will work out all the other details as well! (By the way...you all may be recruited to help us move and unpack since I can't do anything to help!)
Please continue to pray with us as we continue waiting on God's timing for all of these things, knowing that He is in control and already knows all the details I'm worried about! Pray for wisdom and patience as Lyla has found her temper. We want to teach her to live for God and honor Him, so we're learning along the way how best to deal with these sinful nature outbursts. It's crazy how young you can see the sin in a child's life and how they don't even have to learn how to do it! It comes naturally! Friends, your prayers mean more than we could ever express. Thank you so much!!

This is how we're trying to keep Lyla cool in the summer :-) She loves the water and playing in her froggy pool!