Well, we are fastly approaching Lyla's 1st birthday! I can't believe it's so soon already! Since it is coming up, I figured I would take time before the celebrations to reflect on her 1st year of life. Many of you have gone through this journey alongside us and know much of her story.
This time last year we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of our baby girl. I think this might actually be the day I sliced my finger on a can (which is still half numb) and needed 2 stitches. While in many ways it's easy to move on and 'forget' the hardship that we went through, the emotions and memories are still fully engraved in my mind. I will never forget the absolute devastation as we learned our baby girl needed heart surgery at birth. I didn't think I would ever stop crying. Thankfully, God had placed us in an area where she and I could receive the best care possible.
I was prepared up to a certain point for Lyla's birth. I knew all the details, I knew what would happen after she was born. But when I actually stopped to think about what Lyla being born would put into motion, I was terrified. Even thinking about it now, I'm crying because those emotions are branded on my heart. While we knew God was in control, it was astonishing to watch how He would answer every single prayer we prayed, and even ones we hadn't thought to pray! Never have I felt the presence of God so fully or completely as I did then.
Even though God had faithfully answered our prayers through her birth and surgery, it was so easy to doubt at the first sign that something might not be right. After her surgery as we waited to see her, her surgeon was paged to the CICU. My human nature kicked in and I started panicking, wondering what had gone wrong and if our baby girl was ok. She was fine, the wrong machine had been ordered for a test and they wanted to see what the surgeon wanted to do. I feel like people sometimes think that I'm some extra faith-filled person to have gotten through this. I actually feel the exact opposite! I feel and felt so weak and human and like I would never have enough faith to get through the first few weeks of Lyla's life!
To many, we have been through a lot in the past year, and we have. But as we sat in the CICU, and as we now continue to hear stories of others, we know that there are many others much worse off. Our baby girl will only require 1 heart surgery in her life (hopefully). She was only in the CICU for 11 days before coming home. Her recovery lasted about 8 weeks. Her growth and development have not been affected by her condition. For sure, it was the absolute hardest thing I've ever had to personally go through, but we have so much to be thankful for! We have an amazing, beautiful daughter who is healthy and growing into an incredible little person! I have said many times, I would never have chosen to go through something like this, nor do I ever hope to go through it again, but I honestly wouldn't trade it for the world.
We are eternally grateful to everyone who covered us in prayer and encouragement this past year...we couldn't have made it through without your support! We are so much more equipped to encourage others because of what you've done :-) Our journey with Lyla's health is not yet over. As you know, there are still concerns that are being closely followed. If only I could see this day a year ago, I could have faced her surgery much differently. It is easy to look forward and move past what happened. I can't wait to explain to Lyla time and time again how awesome it is that she has that scar! I can't wait for her to find the Savior who so graciously spared her life! Her scar is a constant reminder of all that God has done in her life. More than anything I praise the God of the universe who saw fit to look down and answer our prayers and spare the life of our precious daughter! I am so unworthy! And yet He has used this experience time and time again for His glory :-)
Please remember our story, friends, when facing something unexpected and maybe unpleasant. We do not serve a statue or a dead person, but a living GOD who watches over us all! He is faithful and sovereign in all situations, even if we can't see it from where we stand. His purpose in our life is so much greater than our own. Praise be to God for He has done great things!